But if your computer doesn’t handle video games properly and you’re facing graphical glitches or black screen issues, make sure to lower down the Windows DPI level and disable the full-screen optimization. Well, Windows 10 system offers a higher DPI level by default. Set a Lower DPI & Disable Full-Screen Optimization Once done all, reboot your computer, and check whether the Star Wars Battlefront II black screen issue has been fixed or not.ĥ.If the update is available, just download and install it.ı dont know if it Works with two normal contorller with Xboxemu probably Works fine.Įxtra: you can try this dlc offline mod too maybe in nexus but ı didnt tested after test ıll inform. Note: if you have two Xbox controller mod simply works you dont need to Xbox emu. you can attempt orginal Xbox conrtoller to 2nd controller for better play but even my older cheap snopy contrroler works fine with Xbox emu no problem. Keyboad and Mouse can be used but only in 1rst player. Then start the game with frosy mod manager mod enabled and when click split screen in all ofline mods (including walker assault and fighter squadron hero battles and arcade missions or storywise training modes) game ask press the 2nd controler pres any key with normal controller then vertical split screen game start. other wise gives error on win 10.Ģ- after successfully run program creates xinput1_3.dll but battlefront dont recognize that you have change name with xinput1_4.dll. Put the program exe in battlefront exe folder origingames/starwarsbattlefrontġ- program little bugged you have to run compatibility mode win 8. here to download 64bit version: xbox360ce 63bit for normal controller(probably scnd controler over xbox) to behave 2nd Xbox controler there is a program called xbox360ce. İmportant: you need two controler to enter you can play mause and keyboard after. It officaly already in the game only code needed to activates this mod achieve that so probably legal here is orginal file and video if you want: Īm puting here to easy found becasue ı search this for long time. This mod belong to guy usernamed Darth Kenobi. for 2nd normal controller recognize like Xbox controller use xbox360ce software. Works with frotsty mod manager and 2 pc controllers (one Xbox controler and one any pc controller) like in consoles logics.