Given that, there's still hope for Freckle Bitches and Genkibowl. There are no doubt more minigames yet to be revealed, but the trailer gives us a glimpse at two returning Saints Row signifiers - Let's Pretend and Insurance Fraud. At Let's Pretend, you'll gather your crew to case a location. Heists are a little more complicated than the usual minigame.

RELATED: Saints Row's Genkibowl Is Part Of The Series' Perfect World Building For instance, Bright Future Disposal is linked to illegally dumping toxic waste, Let's Pretend is used for heists, and Shady Tokes Medical Centre is where you'll conduct insurance fraud. Check out my site for Saints Row modding news and Gentlemen of the Row/Steelport downloads. 'Straight up in your face, blow the roof off the place'. Here, you can buy and place businesses all over Santo Ileso and each one is tied to its own minigame. It's something that may be possible once we have tools to edit that likely after release schedule D of the SRTT SDK. Saints Row is renowned for those wacky odd jobs whether you're driving with a tiger in the back of your car or covering the city in sewage. Volition's chief creative officer Jim Boon has just unveiled a brand new trailer for the Saints Row reboot that shows off the Criminal Venture system - what's that you say? Simply put, it's the zany minigames we know and love.